This is a scrumpoker application, that I've created using Laravel, and Vue.js.
I've used websockets to create a real-time experience, where all users can see the results of the votes.
It was fun to experiment with this technology, and I'm looking forward to using them in future projects.
We've also used this application in our company, and it has been a great success.
This CV
My motivation to start this project was, to just jump on to Github, and create something
open-source. I
didn't have an online resume yet, so I figured I might as well just do that.
success :)
In a second iteration, I have made this site a PWA (Progressieve Web Application), which basically means, it can run offline, and behave much like a native app on many different platforms.
Spending tracker
(not public)
Developing this system was a lot of fun, it tested my ability to create something from scratch,
and take
it to a production-ready application. This is entirely run by myself, I configured my home
network, the
webserver, the cron scheduler, built the database, created the backend, and mostly designed the
Simple Blog
(not public)
I've created this blog as part of a challange, to create a blog using the Laravel framework.
Although I've used Laravel before, I've never created a blog from scratch.
I enjoyed this small project, as it was a good way to learn more about Laravel, and how to use it effectively.
Online quiz
(not public)
Given an excel file, with 1200 questsions and answers, build something that helps the users test
knowledge. I had 2 days to develop this (strictly after work). During developement, I had to
optimize my
time, for acceptable results. The friend who asked for it, has passed the exam, so I consider this a
success :)